Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Black Magic?"

Recently I attended a youth group with my friend Brian who was living at my house because of family issues and he wanted to go with his friend Matt. So I decided to go along with them to see what this youth group was about.
When we arrived at the church we came early because of a miscommunication of when the youth group started. The youth pastor at the church asked us to wait outside in the back with the other kids until the night began. Upon walking into the back there were kids making out in the corner clinging on each other and all that jazz... So played basketball and football to pass time until the eent started. At 6:30p.m. the youth group started, the played music tht had the same repeated chorus pattern and hung on to one phrase or one word for a good 5 to 10 minutes, I didn't think much of it because the church that I attended used to do the same thing. After playing and singing 3 songs the youth pastor asked us to sit down because we are going play a game. He then explained how the co-youth pastor and himself were at "Rock the Universe" and had a chance to really get to know each other nd the obtained a form of telepathic communication. So I went along with it because it was evident he ws trying to capture the attention of the other kids in the group. Later on after his explanation, he gave the game a name..."Black Magic". Instantly my first reaction was to yell "witchcraft!" Idid. Instantly I had about 50 eyes looking back at with me with a "how dare you say that" look. I looked over at my friend Dan and he asked again "what was the name of this game again?", again the youth pastor replied "Black Magic", so Dan took it upon himslf to yell out "witchcraft". I was in shock for awhile so I sat back prayed and went on with the evening.
The lesson was on a music video..."Reign Over Me" by "Mercy Me". After listening and watching the music video they handed out a worksheet with some questions like...
  • How did the song make you feel?
  • What are 10 things you like about God the most?
  • Wat is the "coolest" thing about God tha intrigues you?

I couldn't covince myself to write anything down. I was in so much shock about what all was going on I couldn't think straight. I sat praying that there would be some scripture read... nothing was read. I walked out while they were handing out the next worksheet.

The event brought tears to my eyes and anger in my heart. I was so upset about all the wasted potential that was in that room.

Psalms 119:136 My eyes shed streams of tears, because people do not keep your law.

Those "feelings" you can get anywhere. You can have a humonguous church and have all these people there but if God isn't there than it is a dead church. There is no life in it. J.D. Hatfield uses a grea analogy, " If your in heaven and God isn't there do you still want to be there?"... I'll answer that one for you, No! Because then what are we basing our lives upon the blessing and riches that God promises? or God and the other stuff is just extra?

You can watch music videos and read devotions but if that is all your reading to get your"fix" then there i no meat or solid ground in which your faith is being planted in.


Dan said...

I'm so glad to see you writing again Sean. Praise God that He has delivered us from that deception. We just have to be careful not to feel superior because of it. I catch myself at times thinking that way and then I remember that I am no better than they and I can be just as easily deceived if Christ does not guard me from it.

Even So... said...

Right on...seriously, right on the money, brother...and good words too, Dan...

MrsEvenSo... said...

Way to go Sean. It's very encouraging to see you growing. Keep reading your Bible, praying and hanging out with people of like precious faith and you will continue to grow along with your church family. We all have a part and need each other.

Even So... said...

Oh, btw, I want my sidebar link...

T said...

After visiting another church this weekend I was reminder of your post. It is amazing how decieved others can be!
Keep praying for your friends.